My Software

Console Calc

This is my favorite software that I wrote way back in like 2003. It uses VBscript as an interpreter and allows you to program it at will. Not that great any more but I install it on every machine I have. There are a bunch of scripts or basic programs (*.ccs)

Prompt Permute

Here is a JS program for making prompt permutations. It’s a bit better than using the Automatic1111 prompt matrix for my stuff because I like to add little accoutrements to things without adding new generations. I made a post about it detailing how to use it here:
Steven Mackaay’s stuff » Blog Archive » New prompt permutation script (

The link to the JS program is here: Prompt Permute

Gage Block Buildup Calculator

Here is another JS program for calculating gage block buildups. It features a bunch of the most common block sets and allows you to remove blocks as needed whether they are simply missing or used in a previous buildup. Genuinely useful.

GB-Calc by Steven Mackaay 2024 (